I have 500 lbs of beeswax I need to clarify so I can make high quality candles. What is the easiest way to do this? I want to do it in a natural fashion without using caustic chemicals. I have read using maple sugar filtering cones is effective. Suggestions? I have also read putting the wax in a jute bag or in cheesecloth helps with the clarifying process as it contains some of the larger impurities. Thank you for your information. and I am certain I will be visiting your store in the near future. Nancy B
I have never filtered beewax myself- but I have heard one major item you need is cheescloth. It will catch almost all impurities. I also know you want to keep it at a low temp. and don't take it above 175 degrees F I think it is usable once you have all the bee wings and other gunk out of it.