Organic, Sustainable Candlemaking
I have been searching for a gift for my sister in law, and came across Swan Candles. It seems to be the best local place to go, but I need some guidance before I buy! My sister in law is a homeopathic doctor, and is just beginning to learn how to make candles. She is very concerned, however, in investing in ma...
help!!!! my soy pillars suck!!!!
three years ago i switched from parafin to soy. My containers rock but my pillars have been a bit hit and miss. With the new soy from Swans i have not had a single decent pillar. They burn realy well for the first third to half of the candle then the side blows out EVERY TIME!!! Thanksgiving and Christmas ar...
Questions about Soy waxes
I am a fairly new candle maker and have been doing very well so far. I was wondering what those "sweat" or "steam" looking patches are on my jars when I make soy candles are, and from doing research and reading your board, they are called frost (???) . How do I prevent them? Do they...
smooth and creamy tops
I am having trouble with the top of my soy candles when they cool, not only after I pour but after they burn and cool off they look wrinckled and bumpy. I've tried hotter pour temps and am using a soy wax now that has a pour temp of between 110-90 degrees. can anyone advise?
Soy Joy
Help Please
I am using votive blend wax and my tarts the past 2 times when you put them into your warmers they do not fully melt,I supose the wax is to hard .I have been doing this for 2 years and I have trouble getting the correct wax each time even with the same company and same box number my wax sometimes is different...